A True Star

Frankel by Maxine Dodd, SOLD

It’s hard to describe Frankel – he’s such a star and a great champion. He’s won every race he’s entered. Yesterday, he rode his 14th and last race. Here’s my drawing of him.

One response to “A True Star”

  1. Lisa Timmerman Paints Avatar

    Lovely sketch Maxine! I love the way you manage to capture the movement & atmosphere with so few lines and strokes. I watched that race too, very moving.
    Just checking out your blog as I am starting one too, good idea to attach it to the bottom of your emails. I’m nowhere near this stage yet though, have just moved from Blogger to WordPress as it seems more user friendly! Trying to get to the point where I can start posting my work but as I left it so late in life to start painting I have a lot of other stuff to get off my chest first!! I’ll get there, in the meantime it’s good therapy!

